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Version: 3.0.0

Large data

You will sometimes have to deal with large data that could be larger than the maximum 128-byte data on a Luos message. Fortunately, Luos is able to automatically fragment and de-fragment the data above this side. To do that, you will have to use another send function that will take care of setting the messages' size, and the data fields.

For example, here is how to send a picture:

// fill the large message info
msg_t msg;
color_t picture[300*300] = {/*Your favorite cat picture data*/};
msg.header.target_mode = SERVICEIDACK; = 12;
msg.header.cmd = COLOR;
Luos_SendData(service, &msg, picture, sizeof(color_t)*300*300);

In the reception callback, here is the code for retrieve the message with the receiving service (the one with ID 12):

color_t picture[300*300];
void services_MsgHandler(service_t *service, msg_t *msg) {
if (msg->header.cmd == COLOR) {
Luos_ReceiveData(service, msg, (void*)picture);

If you have to deal with high-frequency real-time data, please read the Streaming page.

If you have to deal with high-frequency real-time data, please read the Streaming page.